Alors, nous commencons…

(Before anyone asks, YES, the title of this blog is taken from the Emily Dickinson poem.)

Bonjour, mes amis! Bienvenue à mon blog!

Okay, enough of that nonsense. I am a student. I am a writing major. I am in a foreign country (i.e. France) for the next four months. Therefore, necessity — as defined by university marketing bigwigs and career advisors — dictates I should start a blog to tell the world wide web about all the magnificent and magical adventures I’m having while skipping across the Old World.

Well, I will. But not in the way most of my friends and family are expecting.

Alas, as much as I love all of you back in the States, I can’t have 20 Skype dates a week. This blog will keep you updated on my overseas shenanigans, but I’m also hoping to talk about other things I love: stories, theatre, music, FRENCH FOOD, etc.

I also hope to start one project here that I’ve wanted to for a while: short story reviews. Over the past year, I’ve watched many reviewing series on YouTube — most notably those that review books and movies — and have wanted to take a crack at the whole reviewing thing. I haven’t yet figured out how I’m going to approach this, but you can expect a review sometime in the future.

So, although this will not be a chronological blog, I hope that these little pieces will give you some idea of me, my musings, and my life in France.

À tout à l’heure!